Sunday, October 25, 2009

How to prepare a comfortable den for your dog

By now, you should have chosen the right place for your dog to live. In this article, I will discuss, how to create a comfortable den for your dog, that in later parts of house training will act as a safe place in your home.

Crate or no crate?

The most important decision you will make, while preparing your dogs den, is: "Should I use crate or not." This dilemma can be resolved very quickly, if you honestly answer the question: "Can I spend enough time with my dog, to make sure he is OK in an opened den?" Most of the people can't so it is natural they try to insure their pet is safe, by closing him in a crate. However if you choose not to close your dog in a crate, good idea is to create some kind of spot, you can tie your dog to, in case you have to leave him alone in your house.

How big should my dogs den be?

Dogs, in contrast to humans don't need a lot of space to live. In fact, if your dogs den will be too big, your pet can get confused and will think it is a prison. Of course, the size of dogs den largely depends on the breed of your dog. If you have a large dog, you need a larger den, but in most cases even biggest dogs, will feel comfortable in dens 8ft x 8ft. Anything larger then that is unnecessary.

Other things to remember...

One of the most obvious and important things, you should include inside your dogs den, is a bed. It can be anything from a box with some towels to more fancy, designer dog beds. No matter what you choose, make it comfortable and appropriate for your dogs size.

A crucial thing, that has to find place in your dogs den, are his toys. It is directly connected to the fact, your dog should associate his den with happy and warm living space, not a cold cage. That is exactly why you should often play with your dog, while he is inside his den, this will make him want to get back to it.

Last thing, you should keep in mind, applies only to puppies. Young dogs, have problems with controlling their bladders and bowel movements, simply because they haven't developed muscles allowing them to do it. That is why you should put paper on the floor of puppies den. This way you make sure he doesn't destroy anything by eliminating on your floor or carpet.

What not to include.

It is unnecessary, to put elimination box, inside your dogs den. Most of the dogs, that understand that their den is their home, won't eliminate there, unless they really need to. So the only reason to put it there, is when you leave him alone for long period of times.

Something that may help you to create a comfortable den for your dog, is putting yourself in his shoes. By asking yourself a question: "If I were a dog, would I like to live in such a place?" You can make sure you will create a real home for your pet.

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